This is the process by which U.S. citizens and permanent residents can request that their families be granted permanent residence.
The United States Citizenship and Immigration Service must approve an immigrant visa petition, specifically the I-130 form for Foreign Family Members. As a United States Citizen, you are allowed to make a request for the following family members:
• Husband/Wife
• Children under 21
• Children over 21 years old (single or married)
• Parents (if you are 21 years of age or older)
• Brothers (if you are 21 years of age or older)
As a Permanent Resident of the United States, you are allowed to make a request for the following family members:
• Husband/Wife
• Unmarried children under 21 (including stepchildren)
• Unmarried children over 21 years (including stepchildren)
(Note: Permanent residents cannot ask their married children)
The family member must prove that he can keep the applicant 125% above the poverty level, which is done through an Affidavit of Economic Sponsorship.
In the Law Office of Katherine Canto we can assist you with all kinds of family requests. For more information or to request an appointment please call us at 667-308-2264 or 443-845-9879.